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Elizabeth Barenis

St. Pete, FL

FloridaRAMA Project

Nighttime Everglades Adventure, found objects, mirror, LED light, motion sensor sound player

The diorama Elizabeth created for FloridaRAMA's experience, Nighttime Everglades Adventure, celebrates the darkness and mystery of the Everglades at night. A night sky dusted with stars is reflected in the still wetlands amidst the sounds of native wildlife lurking nearby, setting the scene for a story waiting to be told.

Elizabeth Barenis was born and raised in Greenville, MS, and has been painting since childhood. A graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, she was named a 2017 Creative Pinellas Emerging Artist grantee as well as a 2018 participant in the International Painting Symposium at the Mark Rothko Art Center in Daugavpils, Latvia. Her work has been shown and collected nationally and internationally. She currently lives and works in St. Pete, FL. Of creating her diorama, Elizabeth reports, “The constraints of working in three-dimensional miniatures challenged me to find new ways to create atmosphere and mood. Art making is a process of solving problems to arrive at a desired result. In that way, I was able to use my usual approach of problem-solving, yet at the same time, the project presented the opportunity to learn new techniques and work with different materials.”

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